In the second episode of the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast I interview Caroline Ferguson on one of the most fundamental aspects of writing a business book - or indeed any book at all: mindset. What stops YOU from sitting down to write, from finishing your book, from getting it out there into the world? Stepping up to claim your expertise is scary, there's no doubt about it, and Caroline has some great advice to help overcome the fear and beat the procrastination that affects us all. (This interview was recorded as part of the World-Changing Writers online summit in October 2015.) I also give you an update on how I'm getting on with my book, including a disastrous 'first date' with my inner artist...
In this first episode of the Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast I introduce myself and the EBBC and explain what's so extraordinary about it: it's about extraordinary business books, of course, but it's also an extraordinary book club because it's designed for writers as well as readers of business books, it focuses on the process of writing and publishing just as much as the content of the books themselves, and includes insights from authors and a wide range of business and publishing professionals on how the book can work for the business in the information age.
If you're writing your own business book you're particularly welcome - join me as I start on my own very public book journey, getting advice and tips and giving you feedback on the tools and techniques I've been trying out week by week. I'd love to hear how you're getting on too!